Sunday School Classes
Infants–Age 3 — Nurseries, Dondeena Warren, Director
4- and 5-Year-Olds — Debbie Brown and Carla Crull (E109)
Grades 1–2 — Dawn Jarvis (E105)
Boys Grades 3–4 — Mike Whisler (N102)
Girls Grades 3–4 — Marlene Hunt and Barb Kollath (N106)
Boys Grades 5–6 — Mike Whisler (N102)
Girls Grades 5–6 — Tami Berg and Regina Maddy (N104)
3rd–6th Grade Boys — Mike Whisler
Junior and Senior High — Pastor Brent Miller (AB203)
4- and 5-Year-Olds — Debbie Brown and Carla Crull (E109)
Grades 1–2 — Dawn Jarvis (E105)
Boys Grades 3–4 — Mike Whisler (N102)
Girls Grades 3–4 — Marlene Hunt and Barb Kollath (N106)
Boys Grades 5–6 — Mike Whisler (N102)
Girls Grades 5–6 — Tami Berg and Regina Maddy (N104)
3rd–6th Grade Boys — Mike Whisler
Junior and Senior High — Pastor Brent Miller (AB203)
Junior Church (Sundays)
Bible songs, activities, and plain-old fun for kids ages 4–8 during the morning and evening worship services
Truth Trackers
Our Truth Trackers ministry is for boys and girls age 4 through the sixth grade. Meeting through the school year on Wednesdays, 6:45–8p, this Bible-based program provides kids an opportunity to expand their understanding of God’s Word through a curriculum designed just for them. The program includes Scripture memorization, topical studies, and exciting gym games.